Recipes By Season

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  • Recipes by Product

    Biscuits are a versatile, all-day ingredient that can be used in savory and sweet recipes alike. Try them in these trusted, timesaving recipes from The Chefs of the Mills.

  • Recipes by Meal

    Whether you need an appetizer, dessert or impressive entrée we have menu inspiration that will satisfy your patrons with great taste and variety.

  • Recipes by Season

    Whether you need a savory entrée or a citrus mousse, we have a variety of menu inspiration that will satisfy your patrons, no matter what the season.

  • Recipes by Special Collection

    Our special collection of recipes and menu inspirations let's you satisfy every patron, no matter what dietary need: gluten-free recipes, dysphagia recipes, K-12 meal makers, or Nourishing Inspiration™ recipes for health professional and clients.