Flour Facts

Up-to-Date Weekly Market Highlights
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October 24, 2024

Weekly Market Highlights

  • Wheat has seen some strength this week on drier forecasts in the U.S., Russia and Australia. Additionally, corn and beans have supported wheat prices as they have seen strong demand news and reduced farmer selling.
  • Crop progress shows winter wheat plantings are slightly behind pace at 73% complete. Last year at this time we were 74% complete, and the five-year average is 76% complete. The trade estimated winter wheat plantings would be 77% complete; 46% of winter wheat is emerged compared to 49% last year and 50% for the five-year average. Bean harvest is ahead of pace at 81% completed compared to 72% last year and 67% for the five-year average. Corn has a similar story with 65% of harvest complete compared to last year at 55% harvested and 52% for the five-year average.
  • Wheat export inspections retreated moderately lower to 9.9 million bushels in the week through October 17. That was below the entire range of analyst estimates, which ranged between 12.9 million and 23.9 million bushels. Japan was the No. 1 destination, with 3.6 million bushels. Cumulative totals for the 2024/25 marketing year remain moderately higher than last year’s pace.

Hard Spring Wheat

    This wheat contains the highest protein content of all the wheat classes averaging between 13.5-14.5 percent. It has superior milling and baking properties and is used to produce bread products requiring strong gluten, including hearth breads and rolls, variety breads, bagels and thin pizza crust. It is often blended with lower protein flours to improve their bread making qualities. The four-state region of North Dakota, Montana, Minnesota and South Dakota grows approximately ninety percent of the Hard Red Spring Wheat in the United States. Spring wheat is desired globally for its strong protein qualities.

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