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Get a Clue for National School Breakfast Week

Illustrated school children with magnifying glasses looking at colorful breakfast items such as eggs and cereal pieces. The text says,

Celebrate National School Breakfast Week and National Cereal Day!

Are you ready to celebrate National School Breakfast Week and National Cereal Day? A wholesome whole grain-rich breakfast has always been vital for student success, providing the fuel they need to stay full and focused throughout their day & “Let’s not forget, Breakfast is the first clue to a great day.”

Kids who eat cereal have over 60% higher intakes of whole grain compared to kids who don’t eat cereal. In fact, cereal is a top source of whole grain in kids’ diets.

Because cereal is so frequently eaten with milk, kids who eat cereal have 44% higher total dairy intake and are more likely to meet the recommended 3 servings of dairy per day compared to kids who don’t eat cereal.

Kids who eat cereal get significantly more vitamins and minerals in their diet compared to kids who don’t including 70% more iron, over 60% more vitamin D, 52% more vitamin A and over 40% more B-vitamins. They are also more likely to meet nutrient recommendations for day!

Kids who eat cereal have been shown to have a higher intake of recommended food groups and a lower intake of less healthful foods and nutrients like refined grains, sodium and saturated fat. Research has also shown kids who eat cereal – including sweetened cereals – do not have higher intakes of added sugar compared to kids who don’t eat cereal.

Kids who eat cereal are less likely to skip breakfast. This is important because breakfast sets students up to be ready to learn and kids who skip breakfast miss out on key nutrients that aren’t made up for the rest of the day.

National School Breakfast Week is March 3-7, 2025, and National Cereal Day on March 7, 2024. Jumpstart your festivities with this ready-to-go poster and activity sheet!

Learn more about how you can drive excitement in your cafeteria with ease using merchandising tips and tricks to see how you can help your students stay best in class with breakfast solutions.

Running Feburary 1, 2024 – April 30, 2024, save on your favorite breakfast items!



¹NHANES 2017 – 2018 2. Smith, J.D., et al. Association between Ready-to-Eat Cereal Consumption and Nutrient Intake, Nutritional Adequacy, and Diet Quality among Infants, Toddlers, and Children in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2015–2016. Nutrients 2019, 11, 1989. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu11091989 3. USDA School Nutrition and Meal Cost Study Volume 4: Student Participation, Satisfaction and Dietary Intakes: Summary