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Fausat Rahman-Davies


Fausat Rahman-Davies, Lead Agent, Rialto Unified School District, California

In the vibrant and diverse Rialto School District, home to 25,000 students spread across 27 schools, one leader stands out for her unwavering dedication to the well-being of her students. Fausat Rahman-Davies has made significant strides to enhance student nutrition and foster a strong sense of community. Her efforts are a testament to the power of teamwork, innovation, and an unyielding commitment to student success.

Fausat Rahman-Davies has spearheaded several initiatives aimed at improving the nutritional intake of students, recognizing the critical role that diet plays in academic performance and overall well-being. One of her most notable programs is the in-classroom breakfast initiative. By bringing breakfast directly to the students, she has yielded remarkable results. Teachers have observed that students are more focused and less likely to act out when they start their day with a nutritious meal. “Food should be one less thing parents have to worry about,” says Rahman-Davies, emphasizing the importance of ensuring that all students have access to a healthy breakfast.

The breakfast program features popular General Mills products, known for their convenience and appeal to children. Items like Cinnamon Toast Crunch™ Cereal Bars, Yoplait® Go-Gurt, Pillsbury™ Mini Cinnis, and Pillsbury™ Mini French Toast are favorites among the students, providing them with quick and easy options to start their day. Additionally, the district incorporates scratch-cooked meals, ensuring variety and balanced nutrition.

The commitment to student nutrition doesn’t stop at breakfast. Along with the National School Lunch program where nearly 60% of the meals are scratch cooked, the Rialto Child Nutrition department also provides snacks and supper to the students involved in after school programs. With 80-90% of students qualifying for free and reduced meals, these programs are essential in ensuring that no child goes hungry. The Child Nutrition department has also partnered with the Science and Career department to operate the Keystone Cafe where quality produce and pantry items are distributed to the community on a volunteer basis, monthly. Rahman-Davies stresses that achieving these goals requires collaboration, partnership, and unwavering support from the entire community. Her team, which she describes as bridge builders connecting the school, cafeteria, and community, plays a pivotal role in these efforts.

Central to the success of these programs is the dedicated crew that Rahman-Davies leads. She speaks highly of her team's strong bond and shared goals, highlighting their hard work and commitment. “They make things happen, always with the best interest of our students in mind,” she notes. This sense of unity and purpose is evident in the seamless execution of the district's nutrition programs, which are vital to the health and academic success of the students.

When asked what she loves most about her job, Rahman-Davies doesn't hesitate: it's the students and the impact she makes on their lives. Her passion for her work is palpable, driven by a deep desire to make a difference in the community. This commitment is rooted in her own background and journey.

Originally from Nigeria, Rahman-Davies left her home country in her early 20s. Her career in foodservice began with a part-time job while she was still in school. Over the years, she climbed the ranks from a lead position to supervisor and eventually to her current role as director. Her journey has been marked by a willingness to embrace challenges and step out of her comfort zone. “As a leader, you have to be comfortable with being uncomfortable,” she advises. Despite her preference for working behind the scenes, Rahman-Davies recognizes that taking risks is essential for growth. “You have to take risks, or there is no growth,” she asserts.

Beyond her professional achievements, Rahman-Davies places great importance on community. She frequently mentions “ubuntu,” a philosophy that underscores the interconnectedness and collective responsibility of individuals within a community. This principle guides her approach to her work, fostering a sense of unity and mutual support.

In addition to her professional commitments, Rahman-Davies enjoys music and dancing, often incorporating these elements into meal gatherings, creating a lively and enjoyable atmosphere. She also invests in her program and staff, offering learning opportunities to promote continuous growth and development.

Fausat Rahman-Davies exemplifies the qualities of a true leader. Her dedication to student nutrition, her ability to build and lead a cohesive team, and her passion for making a positive impact on the community make her a standout figure in the Rialto School District. Through her innovative programs and unwavering commitment, she ensures thousands of students receive the nutrition they need to thrive academically and personally. Rahman-Davies’ story is an inspiring reminder of the profound difference that one dedicated individual can make in the lives of many.

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