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Mary Rose Vanas


Mary Rose Vanas: Director of Food Service; Shelby Public Schools; Shelby, Michigan

At Shelby Public Schools in Michigan, the vibrant Mary Rose Vanas has transformed the district’s foodservice program into a remarkable example of what dedication and innovation can achieve. As this month’s Trayblazer, we are thrilled to highlight her incredible journey, accomplishments, and the positive impact she’s made within her community.

Mary’s foodservice career began in 1992 when she accepted a position as a cook in Belfast, Northern Ireland. That experience laid the foundation for her deep commitment to feeding others. She honed her skills working in various roles, where she learned not only about cooking but also about leadership and building strong community ties. These early years were pivotal in shaping her approach to foodservice, one that goes beyond simply providing meals—it’s about nourishing both the body and the soul. She says of her current role, “As someone living in the United States from another country, when I go to work every day, that’s my family.”

As the foodservice director for Shelby Public Schools, Mary faces numerous challenges, particularly in distributing food to the more isolated and underserved parts of her district. Shelby is a rural county, and with a student body of 1,200, Mary ensures students are always receiving nutritious meals. But feeding students is just the beginning of her efforts—her work extends beyond the walls of the school to the broader community.

One of her proudest achievements has been the evolution of the district’s summer feeding program. What started as a modest effort with just two people has now expanded to a team of 26. She’s been able to engage full-time school staff, ensuring they have employment opportunities during the summer months while continuing their vital work in feeding the community. She’s also enlisted the help of students — some with special needs — who volunteer as part of the program, gaining valuable experience and the satisfaction of giving back.

Partnering with No Kid Hungry has allowed Mary to further expand the program’s reach. The program has not only provided essential meals but has also become a cornerstone of community support. Local businesses have become involved, supplying honey, fruits, vegetables, and juices. This integration of local resources has reinforced the idea that feeding the community is a collective effort, uniting various stakeholders in a shared mission.

Mary is more than a leader; she’s a mentor and a friend to those she works with. Her goal is to unite her team, not just on a professional level, but by taking an interest in their personal lives as well. Whether it’s offering a listening ear or lending a helping hand, Mary goes above and beyond to show her care and compassion. She says, “I think people on my team see me as someone they can come to seek guidance or advice, and I’d absolutely help however I can.”

Her dedication to her team is matched only by her commitment to her students. The diverse student body at Shelby Public Schools has come to rely on Mary not only for their daily nourishment but also for her ability to connect with them on a personal level. She listens to their needs, even when it comes to the menu. The students’ love for Taco Tuesday, for example, is something Mary knows can never be taken away—it’s a staple that brings them together. She also ensures that popular “common” options like burgers and pizza are offered periodically, striking a balance between student favorites and nutritious, home-cooked meals.

One of Mary’s proudest moments came when she took a group of students to Michigan State University to participate in a cooking competition. While the students didn’t win, the experience was priceless. For many of these students, it was an opportunity they never would have had otherwise, and it was a chance for them to gain confidence and broaden their horizons. For Mary, moments like these are the most rewarding part of her job, as she gets to witness firsthand the impact she has on her students’ lives.

Mary is passionate about serving meals made from scratch whenever possible. She believes in the power of wholesome, home-cooked food to nourish her students and staff. Additionally, General Mills Foodservice products have been a reliable partner in her efforts, particularly in providing delicious breakfast options. Pillsbury™ Mini Cinnis, a favorite among the students, are a frequent feature in the school’s breakfast lineup.

Mary Rose Vanas is a true inspiration. Her relentless dedication to feeding her community, nurturing her team, and empowering her students reflects the qualities of a true Trayblazer. Evan Chanin, a customer account specialist with General Mills Foodservice who has worked alongside Mary, says, “I don’t think I’ve ever met someone as caring and involved with their community. She’s one of the most real, purest people I’ve ever dealt with.”

With her warm personality, genuine nature, and tireless efforts, she has turned Shelby Public Schools’ foodservice program into a beacon of community and connection. Mary’s journey is one of service, compassion, and unyielding commitment—a reminder of the profound impact one person can have when they lead with heart.

Be sure to follow along on their journey: