Cut Down on Labor and Prep Time
The world has changed and so has your business. Labor is harder than ever to find, train, and keep, and margins couldn’t be tighter. On top of this, the state of the labor market demands new benefits and perks to increase contentment among staff, not to mention the desire for more predictable scheduling and income. All of this puts a strain on every piece of how you manage your business.
With the products we offer, we aim to make running your business easier. We focus on creating solutions that allow you to save time and make the best of every minute. Pillsbury™ biscuits and frozen baked goods streamline your service by providing reliable and consistent time-saving solutions that your customers will love. By cutting down on labor and prep time, you can serve just what you need, when you need it, so you can focus on adding variety and interest to your meal solutions, and keep your customers happy and fed. Check out this link to learn more about how pastries can help drive profits.
Bake Only What You Need, When You Need It
It seems like you always have to find time for the unexpected, so eliminating equipment staging and setup, as well as reducing scaling or mixing, can be strategic ways to leave more room for you to focus on the matter at hand. Imagine a breakfast service where you bake fresh, in whatever batch size fits the occasion and demand. You can go so far as to place-and-bake your pastries, saving your precious prep time for eggs, proteins, and the center-of-the-plate items that really drive your business. While you’re at it, fill your bakery case with tasty treats to plus-up impulse buys, adding that extra revenue kick to your day, without needing to carve out an entire day to prep product. When it comes to that extra bite of deliciousness consumers love, we’ve got you covered. Check out this link to learn more.
It’s important that you have access to solutions that are ready when you are and fit effortlessly into your schedule. For example, you can bake in advance or bake and freeze, because place-and-bake biscuits have a good hold-hot window and can hold through the bake, freeze, and prep process. Our frozen baked goods have a longer plate life so you can bake in advance. If you have the skills and time, the "thaw, bake and proof" method yields the best plate life. But if not, we've got you covered with our freezer-to-oven line of products.
Versatile Variety
Too often, you may feel you have to choose between time and variety. We know variety is key tool to keeping your customers excited and coming back for more, so we make sure your entire bakery case is covered. From muffins to cinnamon rolls, scones to croissants, we have the freezer-to-oven items you and your customers will love.
It’s always our mission to help you do more with less. We put our efforts into providing simple, reliable products that are ready when you are — saving time, and cutting down on labor. Pillsburyᵀᴹ biscuits and frozen baked goods are simple and easy to implement whenever you need them, with the taste and variety your customers want. Streamline your processes, save time, and always serve quality.